Kunnen jullie de songtekst van Ellen ten Damme met het nummer Vegas op de site zetten.
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Hasker de Jong
Dit forum staat op alleen-lezen. Je kan hier informatie zoeken en oude berichten terugvinden, maar geen nieuwe berichten plaatsen.
Naar overzicht van alle forumshier is ie,
groetjes bert
Am I weak or am I strong
I can't resist 'cause I want to belong
to you, to you, to you
How this will end I don't know
but I can't stand the thought
that you might say no
when I when I when I
I see you in Vegas
we'll meet again
I see you in Vegas
if you still love me then
I see you in Vegas
are you, are you, are you
are you gonna be my man
Doubt fear and desire
I long to run to you to feel this fire
enough, enough, enough
to stand the distance, the test of time
but I can't cope whenever I'm out of line
but I but I but I
I see you in Vegas
we'll meet again
I see you in Vegas
if you still love me then
I see you in Vegas
are you, are you, are you
are you gonna be my man
oh, it could be on a Sunday
it could be on a Monday
any day, to be my man
oh, it could be on the highway
with Elvis on a Friday, anyday!
Are you gonna be in Vegas
we'll meet again
I see you in Vegas
if you still love me then
I see you in Vegas
are you, are you, are you
are you gonna be in Vegas
we'll meet again
I see you in Vegas
if you still love me then
I see you in Vegas
are you, are you, are you
are you gonna be in Vegas
we'll meet again
I see you in Vegas
are you, are you, are you…
are you gonna be mine!
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