Wie kan mij helpen aan de songtekst van de band.
Swing out Sister
met het nummer
Break Out
Alvast bedankt
Dit forum staat op alleen-lezen. Je kan hier informatie zoeken en oude berichten terugvinden, maar geen nieuwe berichten plaatsen.
Naar overzicht van alle forumsveel plezier ermee
When explanations make no sense
When every answer's wrong
You're fighting with lost confidence
All expectations gone
The time has come to make or break
Move on, don't heitate
Don't stop to ask
Now you've found a break to make at last
You've got to find a watm say what you want to say
When situations never change
Tomorrow looks unsure
Don't leave your destiny to chance
What are you waiting for?
The time has come to make or break
Don't stop to ask
Now you've found a break to make at last
You've got to find a watm say what you want to say
Don't stop to ask
Now you've found a break to make at last
You've got to find a watm say what you want to say
Some people stop at nothing
If you're searching for something
Lay down the law, shout out for more
Breaout and shout, day in, day out
Don't stop to ask
Now you've found a break to make at last
You've got to find a watm say what you want to say
Don't stop to ask
Now you've found a break to make at last
You've got to find a watm say what you want to say
Lay down the law
Shout out for more
Breakout and shout, say in, day out
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