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Naar overzicht van alle forumsPlatters, “UNCHAINED MELODIE”
Oh my love my Darling I've hungered
for your touch alone lonely time
And time goes by so slowly and time
can do so much are you still mine
I need your love I need your love
go spend your love to me
Lonely rivers flow to the sea to the sea
to the open arms of the sea yeah
lonely rivers say wait for me wait for me
I'll be coming home wait for me
Oh my love my Darling I've hungered
for your touch alone lonely time
And time goes by so slowly and time
can do so much are you still mine
I need your love I need your love
go spend your love to me
Lonely rivers flow to the sea to the sea
to the open arms of the sea yeah
lonely rivers say wait for me wait for me
I'll be coming home wait for me
I'll be coming home wait for me
Zoals je hebt gezien is het van The Platters. Zie ook: www.lyricsdot.ru
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