Wie heeft voor mij de tekst van Venice “ Family Tree”
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Naar overzicht van alle forumsdit is 'm !!
Branches in the wind
Still standing here together
One more storm to weather
We'll get through it yet
So we're gathered here
Holding on to each other
To let go of another one we won't forget
Now as we say goodbye
To one of our own
We may be lonely
But we're not alone
Though the leaves will fall
And the tears will flow
May it always comfort us to know
The family tree will always grow
Father down to son, mother to daughter
Thicker than water, we are made of this
From the Earth we rise
To the Earth returning
We'll keep a candle burning
For the ones we'll miss
And when we say goodbye
To one of our own
We may be lonely
But we're not alone
Though the leaves will fall
And the tears will flow
May it always comfort us to know
The family tree will always grow
It's stronger than the wind can blow
The family tree will always grow
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