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tina turner

  • debby

    wie heeft voor mij de tekst van het nummer ‘'rolling on the river’' van tina turner.

  • bert / songtekst-op-artiest

    veel plezier ermee

    Looking for a job in the city

    Working for the man ev'ry night and day

    Then I never lost a minute of speed

    When worrying 'bout the way things

    might have been.

    Big wheels keep on turning.

    Proud Mary keeps on burning.



    rolling on the river.

    Seen a lot of places in Memphis.

    Hogged a lot of playing down in New Orleans.

    But I never saw the good side of the city

    'til I hitched a ride on a river boat queen.

    Big wheels keep on turning.

    Proud Mary keeps on burning.



    rolling on the river.

    If you come down to the river

    Betcha gonna find the people who live

    You don't have to worry though you have no money.

    People on the river are happy to give.

    Big wheels keep on turning.

    Proud Mary keeps on burning.



    rolling on the river.