Ik ben op zoek naar de teksten van You and Me en Just for You van Spargo.
Heeft iemand enig idee waar ik deze kan vinden?
Groetjes, Marga
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Naar overzicht van alle forumsSpargo, “JUST FOR YOU”
Album: (unknown album)
I've been taking all my time - just for you
But you're hidin'
always fightin'.
I've been workin' day and night - just for you
You're ignoring
you say I'm boring too.
Check it on out
here is something new.
Just for you - I changed my way of living
Just for you - I waited oh so long
Just for you - no gettin'
only givin'
Just for you - I sing out this song.
You've been takin' all my time - just for you
You just steel it
I can't deal with you.
One way traffic ain't a way - just for you
I've got affection
some attraction too.
Check it on out
this ain't something new.
Just for you - I changed my way of living
. . .
Now it's showtime and all that you've givin'
Is staring gazing faces.
Come on and show your love
Ooh baby. Now's the time y'all.
Let's celebrate
don't be late
We're gonna have some fun.
It's happiness we're dreamin' of.
We've been givin' all our time - just for you
Always singin'
all we're bringin'.
Now give us something in return - just for you
We've been starvin' - now we're chargin' you.
Check it on out
is this something new?
Just for you - I changed my way of living
. . .
Just for you - I changed my way of living
. . .
Het ander nummer heb ik nog niet gevonden
Hoi Marga,
You and me nog niet gevonden maar die komt er zéker binnenkort aan.
Just for you
I've been taking all my time - just for you
But you're hidin'
always fightin'.
I've been workin' day and night - just for you
You're ignoring
you say I'm boring too.
Check it on out
here is something new.
Just for you - I changed my way of living
Just for you - I waited oh so long
Just for you - no gettin'
only givin'
Just for you - I sing out this song.
You've been takin' all my time - just for you
You just steel it
I can't deal with you.
One way traffic ain't a way - just for you
I've got affection
some attraction too.
Check it on out
this ain't something new.
Just for you - I changed my way of living
. . .
Now it's showtime and all that you've givin'
Is staring gazing faces.
Come on and show your love
Ooh baby. Now's the time y'all.
Let's celebrate
don't be late
We're gonna have some fun.
It's happiness we're dreamin' of.
We've been givin' all our time - just for you
Always singin'
all we're bringin'.
Now give us something in return - just for you
We've been starvin' - now we're chargin' you.
Check it on out
is this something new?
Just for you - I changed my way of living
. . .
Just for you - I changed my way of living
. . .
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