Hey menzzzzzen
Ik zoek de songtekst van Sugah van Ruby Amanfu, maar ik kan hem nergens vinden.
Kan iemand mij helpen?????
Alvast bedankt:)
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Naar overzicht van alle forumsHoi Jamai,
Veel plezier ermee.
Ruby Amanfu:
Sugar, sugar, come to me, I'll give you something you'll believe,
Sugar, sugar, come to me, let this love take the lead.
Sugar, sugar, come to me, I'll give you something you'll believe.
Last night, a vision came to me, woke me out of sleep,
Said, “Girl, you best get on your feet, don't miss the ride”.
Last night that angel spoke to me, said I was going deep,
Said I shouldn't fight the love I feel inside.
Never mind that when I tried to say that you weren't in the way,
Forget about the games I used to play, don't press rewind.
Baby, I have had enough of that, I want you in my life,
Honey, you could be the perfect fit of all time.
If I told you too many times, it's you who makes me feel alive.
I just wanna know you and everything you hide, even all your little white lies.
It's only gonna be a matter of mind, til you believe in love devine.
I never thought I'd find myself acting like a fool,
I never caught a bug like this, the fever's burning through.
So the poison is in and now I begin to not know what to do,
Just the smell of you's got me going back to school.
Sugar, oh yeah, sugar-sugar, oh yeah.
If I told you, if I told you, too many times, too many times.
If I told you too many times, would you believe in love devine?
Oh sugar, sugar, come to me,
If I told you too many times, would you believe in love devine.
Oh sugar, sugar, come to me,
If I told you too many times, would you believe in love devine…
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