Wie heeft er voor mij de tekst van Let's go to the party van Poco Loco gang?
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Naar overzicht van alle forumsHoi Rick,
Veel plezier ermee.
Poco Loco Gang
Let's go to the party!
Let's go to the party Swing into the night
Move into the music untill the morning light
Let's go to the party there's always good for more
We will make you feel like you'll never felt before
Let's go to the party, it's only just began
Dancing in the moonlight, some laughing and some fun
Let's go to the party we'll be there for you
And if you know … now is that's what we're gonna do
Let's go to the party everyone is there
If you're ver lucky you'll have a wild affair
Let's go to the party and dancers come along
We'll take you to a place where you'll sure know you belong
Let's go to the party it's only just began
Dancing in the moonlight, some laughing and some fun
Let's go to the party we'll be there for you
And if you know … now is that's what we're gonna do
Let's go to the party
Let's go to the party
Let's go to the party
Let's go to the party
Let's go to the party!
Poco Loco Gang - Tropical Paradise
Come on baby let me fly
Take me higher to the sky
Bring me up to the sun
Come on baby let us fly
Take a ticket to the sun
To a tropical paradise
na na na na
na na na na
Come on now
na na na na )
na na na na, hey hey hey ) 4x
let us fly )
Come on baby, come on
Come on baby, come on
Come on baby, come on
Come on baby, come on
Come on baby let me fly
Take me higher to the sky
Bring me up to the sun
Come on baby let us fly
Take a ticket to the sun
To a tropical paradise
na na na na )
na na na na, hey hey hey ) 4x
let us fly )
Come on baby, come on
Come on baby, come on
Come on baby, come on
To a tropical paradise
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