Ik zoek de tekst van het nummer Here we are. Gezongen door alle Idols.
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Naar overzicht van alle forumsHoi Judith,
Idols wordt beschermd als ware het de kroonjuwelen. Er is op internet niets over te vinden tot nog toe. Maar……..ik ben niet voor één gat te vangen dus hier is voor jou en alle andere Idols fans….
groetjes en veel plezier ermee,
Here we are
Here we are
We’ve come to the end of the road
We’ve meet some friends along the way
O, yeah
And here we stand
You gave us the time of our lives
The memory will always stay
You can win, you can loose
It’s all in the game
Is our live just realy the same
I’ll always keep believing in myself
You can win, you can loose
It’s all in the game
Feel the joy and feel the pain
Every one is a winner and a star
So here we are
Here we are
All of us will make a new star
And we’re reaching out to you
‘Cause each and every one of us
will have to walk alone
Try to make a dream come true
It sounds so beautifull
Just open up your heart
Let me sing my song for you
I wish we’d never part
It’s been so wonderfull
There’s tears in your eyes
We’ll stick together
Tears of joy will may dry
O, I heat to say good bye
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