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Nobody else

  • KIMM

    Hoi Postiljohn (of wie er eerder reageert),

    Ik mis in al mijn verzoekjes over Froger nog één titel.

    Dan is de medley compleet.

    ('Tijdens het zingen afgelopen zondag kwamen we er pas

    achter dat de medley niet compleet was….kan gebeuren toch?)

    Ik zoek nog NOBODY ELSE

    Als je um hebt dankjewel want ik zal geen tijd meer hebben om je

    te bedanken na het plaatsen.

    Bij deze dus alvast mijn onuitsprekelijke dank.



  • DonJohn

    Hopelijk ben ik nog op tijd!!!



    it seems like only yesterday.

    that summernight in a small cafe.

    you said “i think i fall in love with you”.

    and i said “i feel the same way too”.

    allthough i knew that we could never be.

    and you could never belong to me.

    you became my favourite memory.

    oh i'm still crazy about ya.

    i just can't do without ya.

    i'll never find another you… no.


    nobody else can walk the way you walk.

    nobody else can talk the way you talk.

    nobody else can love the way you love.

    nobody else can touch the way you touch.

    nobody else can do the things that you do.

    there is nobody like you.

    nobody else.

    there is no one like you.

    i wish there was a time or a place.

    where we could meet face to face.

    ever since we are worlds apart.

    there's a shadow hangin' round my heart.

    i guess you're not that easy to forget.

    in fact i haven't stopped loving you yet.

    sometimes i wish that we never met.

    oh i'm still crazy about ya.

    i just can't do without ya.

    i'll never find another you… no.


    nobody else can walk the way you walk.

    nobody else can talk the way you talk.

    nobody else can love the way you love.

    nobody else can touch the way you touch.

    nobody else can do the things that you do.

    there is nobody like you.

    nobody else.

    there is no one like you?

  • .

    Hey Welkom DonJohn




    Hartstikke op tijd,

    Hartstikke bedankt en

    Hartstikke welkom.

